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As the cultural hub of western Colorado, Colorado Mesa University (CMU) places paramount importance on cultivating an environment that embodies respect, 安全, 和幸福. Our institution is steadfastly committed to fostering a campus devoid of violence, 滥用, 恐吓, 或歧视.

The Diversity and Inclusion Office serves as a cornerstone, dedicated to bolstering the diverse student body with its wide spectrum of backgrounds and interests. Collaboratively engaging with various departments of the university, this office extends vital support to both students and faculty, ensuring th卡内基梅隆大学's educational journey remains a bastion of uninhibited idea exchange and a promoter of equitable and civil discourse.

Colorado Mesa University extends its unwavering commitment to inclusivity and support to all individuals, extending its services without exception to anyone, irrespective of factors including, but not limited to, 年龄, 种族/民族, 语言, 国家的起源, 宗教/信仰, 性别, 能力状态, 资深地位, immigration status, political ideology, socioeconomic background, or sexual orientation.

Report an incident

如果你, or someone you know, has experienced an act of discrimination or hate, report it and get support.