

Alpha Kappa Delta - the Colorado Mesa chapter of the international sociology honor society. Students interested in learning more should contact Dr. 斯蒂芬·美利奴

- the pp电子极速糖果 chapter of the national honorary society for criminal justice. Students interested in membership should contact Dr. 埃里克继续萎缩.

刑事司法协会 - a club for students who wish to pursue a career in any of the numerous branches of the criminal justice system. CJA aims to enrich students' knowledge by exposing and connecting them to the various local professionals, offering them opportunities to give back to the community, and by hosting events that offer "hands on" experience within the criminal justice field. Students interested in membership should contact Dr. 埃里克继续萎缩.

法医学俱乐部 - a club for students that wish to pursue any aspect of the forensic sciences or who wish to learn more about science applied to the law. Students interested in membership should contact Dr. 梅丽莎·康纳.

α Theta - the pp电子极速糖果 chapter of the historical honor society. α Theta promotes the study of history on campus and in the community and allows students to present research papers at conferences. Students interested in α Theta membership should contact Dr. 肖恩·加拉格尔.

模拟审判俱乐部 - CMU's chapter of the American Mock Trial Association. Through engaging in competition with teams from other institutions, students develop critical thinking and public speaking skills, as well as a knowledge of legal practices and procedures. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 Dr. 克里斯汀桑托斯.

Sigma - the pp电子极速糖果 chapter of the national political science honors society. Membership inquiries should be directed to Dr. 贾斯汀Gollob.

政治学社团 - a non-partisan organization of political science majors, minors, and other interested students. 俱乐部进行选民登记, hosts guest lectures and other educational activities, and collaborates with civil society groups like Club 20, the World Affairs Council of Western Colorado, and the League of Women Voters of Mesa County. It also houses the local chapter of Sigma. Students interested in membership should contact Dr. 艾略特詹宁斯.

Psi气 - the pp电子极速糖果 chapter of the national honor society in psychology. Membership inquiries should be directed to Dr. 杰里米烤面包.

心理学俱乐部 - The CMU 心理学俱乐部 is a student-led organization that hosts social events for students interested in psychology. Its goal is to unite psychology undergraduates and friends with campus activities focused on positivity and stress release. It holds a variety of activities and interesting meetings each semester. For more information on upcoming events and content from the 心理学俱乐部, follow the club on Instagram @cmupsychologyclub. The hallmark event of the year is an annual trip to the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association (RMPA) convention. Students interested in membership should contact Dr. Michalene Grebski.

社会工作社 a dynamic group of students interested in "rolling up their sleeves" and putting social work into "action." A core value of the social work profession is service-and the club is always looking for opportunities to address issues of poverty and need at the local, 社区层面. Students interested in membership should contact Dr. 米歇尔Sunkel.

社会学俱乐部 - a club for students who have a major or minor in sociology, or who are simply interested in sociological perspectives on social life. Club activities include community service, academic events, and socializing. Students interested in membership should contact Dr. 布伦达威廉.