
Physics is the study of the natural world, based on understanding its most fundamental workings. Physicists explore natural systems and phenomena such as photons, 夸克, 原子, 固体, 纳米结构, 液晶, 超导体, 等离子体, 行星的气候, 星星, 类星体, galaxies and black holes. Physics provides both a fundamental understanding of nature and contributes to technological developments in fields such as nanotechnology, 半导体, 激光, 核磁共振, 以及太空探索.

The physics program at Colorado Mesa University offers a Bachelor of Science in Physics degree. The program is designed to prepare students for graduate school in physics and related sciences or careers in physics and associated scientific and technical fields. Specifically the program aims to equip graduates with:

  • the ability to use the core disciplines of classical mechanics, 电磁, quantum theory and statistical physics,
  • strong analytical and mathematical skills for understanding physical scenarios,
  • 实验室技能,
  • the ability to communicate effectively about topics in the physical sciences, and
  • the ability to use knowledge from various branches of physics to address significant and complex problems in the subject.

These skills are useful in a wide range of disciplines and CMU Physics graduates have used them while continuing on to:

  • graduate school in physics, engineering, atmospheric and planetary sciences,
  • 医学院
  • technical careers in industry, defense, engineering and materials science firms,
  • research in national and defense laboratories, and
  • 教学.

The physics program 卡内基梅隆大学 is dedicated to providing an excellent undergraduate physics education via a welcoming and collegial environment in which students can learn in close collaboration with faculty members. 亮点包括:

  • low student-to-teacher ratios,中级实验室
  • individual assistance and mentoring from faculty,
  • encouragement of a strong community of physics students, and
  • active involvement of undergraduates in faculty research.

There is an active Society of Physics Students (SPS) chapter 卡内基梅隆大学 and this has received several national awards for outstanding chapter and outstanding chapter advisor. SPS members have organized and presented work at zone conferences held 卡内基梅隆大学.


Current trends in employment and post baccalaureate paths


  • Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences

  • Dr. 布莱恩Hosterman
    Physics Program Coordinator
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