
This table is designed to provide an estimate of the Doctorate of Physical Therapy program cost. Please keep in mind that tuition and 费用 are subject to change and the cost of additional required elements of the program will vary by student. 物理治疗 财务概览 可以访问 在这里


Total estimated program tuition and 费用 for in-state students. Includes additional (estimated) program 成本.


Total estimated program tuition and 费用 for out-of-state students. Includes additional (estimated) program 成本.

州立项目学费 $57,470
州外项目学费 $89,644
University Fees (assessed per credit) $4,322
课程费用(1) $1,000
研究生入学费 $140
教科书 $3,000
实验包(2) $100
CPR认证 $25
APTA dues (National + CO chapter) (3) $300
EXXAT (PM & AM) (4) $255
Immunizations/TB test/Flu shot $250
Background Check - Certiphi (5) $80
Drug Screen - for clinicals (6) $100
Liability Insurance - HPSO (7) $84
技术(e.g. 电脑) $1,200
Certified Background - HIPAA/OSHA (8) $35
我的临床交流  $42


*学费 and 费用 are based on established rates which are subject to annual increases. Out-of-State tuition calculation assumes student not considered a Colorado resident for the duration of the program. Should a student establish residency after the first year, tuition 成本 would be less.

(1)课程费用:尸体, 解剖学供应, Practice Examination Assessment Tool (PEAT), National Physical Therapy Exam review course (Scorebuilders)
(2) Lab kit will include clinical supplies student will use for duration of program - reflex hammer, 血压袖带, 听诊器, 卷尺, 测角仪
(3) APTA student dues (National + State) = $100/year
(4) These are 费用 associated with software necessary for clinical education and tracking CE requirements (e.g. 免疫接种)
(5) Certiphi has partnered with the APTA and has a seamless process for performing background checks, notifying students and programs
(6)药物筛选- ~ 50美元/个. 在临床轮转之前
(7) Professional liability insurance during final two years of program ($42/year)
(8) Certified Background - Online training with certification for HIPAA and OSHA