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Minor Requirements

  • 至少33%的辅修学分必须是300或以上的课程.
  • 2.辅修专业的累积GPA必须在00分或以上
  • 在pp电子极速糖果,学生可以接受的未成年人人数不得超过两名.
  • A student must follow the CMU graduation requirements either from 1) the program sheet for the major in effect at the time the student officially declares a major; or 2) a program sheet for the major approved for a year subsequent to the year during which the student officially declares the major and is approved for the student by the department head. 因为一个项目可能对学位有特定的要求, 学生应向指导老师咨询其他标准. 意识到这一点是学生的责任, and follow, 攻读学位的所有要求. 任何例外或替代必须由学生的指导老师和系主任批准.


  • 2.证书的累积绩点必须在00分或以上
  • 大学预科课程(通常低于100)不能用于毕业.
  • 至少33%的学时必须在300或以上的课程中获得证书.
  • CPR/急救认证是本证书的毕业要求.
  • A student must follow the CMU graduation requirements either from 1) the program sheet for the major in effect at the time the student officially declares a major; or 2) a program sheet for the major approved for a year subsequent to the year during which the student officially declares the major and is approved for the student by the department head. 因为一个项目可能对学位有特定的要求, 学生应向指导老师咨询其他标准. 意识到这一点是学生的责任, and follow, 攻读学位的所有要求. 任何例外或替代必须由学生的指导老师和系主任批准.
  • 填写课程表时,一门课程只能使用一次.
  • 请参阅目录中的“本科毕业要求”了解更多毕业信息.

Department Contact

Krista Bonino



P: 970-248-1635

F: 970-248-1980



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