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物理学是研究物质和能量如何相互作用的学科. 物理学家研究自然系统和现象,如光子, quarks, atoms, solids, nanostructures, liquid crystals, superconductors, plasmas, 声音和其他压力波, planetary climates, stars, quasars, galaxies and black holes. 物理学有助于对自然的基本理解,也有助于纳米技术等技术的发展, superconductors, lasers, magnetic resonance, and space exploration. pp电子极速糖果提供物理学学士学位, an Associate of Science, Liberal Arts: Physics, and a minor in Physics.

The Physics pp电子极速糖果(Colorado Mesa University)的物理学学位课程旨在为学生从事物理学职业做准备
以及相关的技术领域或物理研究生院. CMU的物理课程允许
学生必须与教师密切合作. 该项目提供了较低的学生与教师比例
允许本科生积极参与教师研究. The program also offers
numerous opportunities for research 在实验和理论物理,以及观测天文学. 学生有机会通过独立学习和非正式的个人学习来学习课堂之外的知识
mentorship. pp电子极速糖果举办了一个活跃的分会 Society of Physics Students, which
undergraduate level. CMU has many clubs and organizations 这可以帮助学生为他们所在领域的深造做好准备,或者建立校园和社区的联系. CMU天文俱乐部是一个活跃的学生俱乐部,定期举办望远镜观测之夜, community outreach, 以及前往当地的大梅萨天文台.


• Astronomer
• Astrophysicist
• Biophysicist
• Chemical physicist
• Data scientist
• Financial analyst
• Forensic scientist
• Geophysicist
• Laboratory technician
• Instrumentation technician
• Medical physicist
• Material scientist
• Mechanical engineer
• Meteorologist
• Nuclear physicist
• Optical engineer
• Patent agent
• Process engineer
• Research scientist
• Science teacher
• Science journalist
• Software engineer
• Systems analyst

Note: 上面列出的一些职业可能需要额外的教育, experience, 或者学士学位以外的培训. 要研究这些职业,请使用下面的职业研究资源链接.

• Gather and analyze data
• Compose technical writing
• Work on a team
• Aerospace industry
• Computer and technology
• Education
• Energy industry
• Journalism
• Financial sector
• Medical industry
• National laboratory
• Quantum technology
• Research and development
• Semiconductor industry
• Software industry
• Telecommunication

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