
MBA applications are accepted throughout the year with admissions decisions made shortly after the receipt of a completed admissions package. Upon approval, students may start the MBA program Fall or Spring semester. Completed applications received after the deadline will be considered for the following semester.

Students interested in the 3+2 program can visit mba / 3-2-program 了解更多信息. 


  1.  应用程序
    • 提交研究生申请.
    • $50申请费 is required to complete the application.
    • 申请截止日期: 
      • 2024年7月6日 2024年秋季开学
      • 2023年12月9日 2024年春季开学
  2. 请求 官方成绩单 from all previously attended colleges or universities.
    • Possess an undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
    • 平均绩点是3分.0 or better from the most recent 60 credit hours of course work earned towards a bachelor degree and a GPA of 3.从之前的研究生工作0或更好.
    • Official transcripts must be sent directly from the college or university to the Graduate Coordinator, 北大街1100号, 大结, CO 81501, or  (电子邮件保护).  
  3.  Submit remaining supplemental items through the application portal.
    1. 两份推荐表格
      • 两种推荐表格一个专业,一个学术.
      • A link to the fillable form is available through the portal.
    2.  个人论文
      • 750字的作文: indicating reasons for seeking a Master of Business Administration degree including professional and/or career goals and pertinent past work experience.  The minimum length is 750 words, submitted as MS Word document with 1” margins, 12 pt. font and a cover page which includes the name of applicant and date.


水准的课程 provide a foundation for success in the MBA program.  Applicants who enter the program with an undergraduate degree in business come prepared with business knowledge from these courses.  鼓励非商业专业的学生, 但不是必需的, to prepare for their MBA experience by taking the following courses.  While each of these courses is offered by CMU, additional delivery methods are available, 包括在线教学.



Admission to the MBA program is open to anyone holding the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor's degree, in any field of study, from an accredited institution.

此时此刻, MBA课程100%在线, 因此, we cannot accept any international students into the MBA program that require an F1 Visa.

联系人: 安妮金格里奇, 招生, Associate Director of International Programs and Services,   (电子邮件保护), 970.248.1802  or   learn more about international admissions.


欢迎来到CMU MBA项目! Our program provides students with the flexibility to complete their degree in 2 or 3 years. If you would like to complete the MBA in 2 years (4 semesters) you need to complete 3 courses (9 credits) a semester. If you would like to complete the MBA in 3 years (6 semesters) you need to complete 2 courses (6 credits) a semester.

除了“建议课程计划,“复习”三年课程规划指南也一样. These resources will provide you with a course sequencing guide. 一般来说, we want you to complete the XXXX-500 classes prior to starting the next level of courses. 

You can learn more about actually registering for courses 在这里 and we have an entire team of people waiting to help should you need assistance with other aspects of getting started 卡内基梅隆大学 via Integrated 资源 for Students (虹膜.在你学会如何导航之后 MAVzone to 注册课程 you’ll also need to learn our Learning Management System (LMS) Desire2Learn (D2L) via our 远程教育网页.  Be sure to have all of your required course materials prior to the start of class which can be found at the 卡pp电子极速糖果的书店.  课程开始日期可以找到 在这里.

All new MBA students are required to attend an online orientation session typically held the week prior to the start of classes.  The new student orientation date for Fall 2023 is Monday, August 21st from 5:00-6:00pm MST (virtually).  后续将提供更多信息.

Remember to complete any remaining steps in your CMU Connect Portal, 注册课程, and check your CMU email regularly for important updates.  We look forward to seeing you in classes soon!

欲了解更多信息,请联系 Dr. 苏珊娜Owens-Ott, 戴维斯商学院 Department Head, (电子邮件保护), 970.248.1719.