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艺术史是美术的一门学科,专注于对视觉艺术的深入研究,以了解艺术家和传统. 艺术史学家运用他们的艺术知识, both past and present, to teach others how to interpret, understand, and enjoy various forms of art. pp电子极速糖果提供艺术史专业的文学学士学位.

文学学士(BA)学位 Art History 结合了工作室艺术和艺术史课程的强烈课程要求. 该专业的学生将发展工作室技巧,并将深入研究历史和当代艺术家, art movements, and styles. CMU的艺术系通过实习和展览机会为学生提供扩展艺术知识的机会, 国内和国际旅行, and clubs.

完成后,毕业生准备进入艺术博物馆和画廊的专业就业, art publishing houses, and other areas of art services. 毕业生也为继续攻读研究生水平的艺术史课程做好了充分准备.


  • Antiquarian book trade
  • Antiques dealer
  • Architectural conservation
  • Archivist
  • Art advisor
  • Art appraiser
  • Art buyer
  • Art collection manager
  • Art conservator
  • Art consultant
  • Art database manager
  • Art handler
  • Art history fellow
  • Art investment
  • Art investor
  • Art librarian
  • Art marketing
  • Art teacher
  • Art writer
  • Auction house
  • Collection management
  • Gallery director
  • Grant writer
  • Heritage officer
  • Journalist
  • Museum curator
  • Picture editor
  • Preservation and conservation
  • Professor
  • Project coordinator

Note: 上面列出的一些职业可能需要额外的教育, experience, 或学士学位以外的培训. 要研究这些职业,请使用下面的职业研究资源链接.

  • 确定艺术品的创作时间和创作者.
  • 研究艺术家,以确定他们创作的作品的社会/文化含义.
  • 在大学或学院教授艺术史.
  • 写展品,提供令人信服的解释的对象.
  • 为博物馆保存详细的存货记录.
  • 参加有关艺术的会议.
  • 为学术出版物写作.
  • 为政府、博物馆或私人收藏家估价艺术品.
  • 协助警方/联邦调查局处理艺术品盗窃案件.
  • Repair/restore works of art.
  • 为博物馆或美术馆购买艺术品.
  • 协助艺术家进行画廊销售/展览.
  • 为博物馆或美术馆策划和/或设置展览.
  • 为电影或印刷品提供艺术咨询.  
  • Edit and/or publish art books.
  • 为当地城市或艺术协会撰写赠款.
  • Museums
  • Professional publications
  • Government agencies
  • Magazines
  • Universities/colleges
  • Public/private schools
  • Police/FBI
  • Libraries
  • Private collectors
  • Auction houses
  • Lawyers
  • Insurance agencies
  • Art galleries


  • Good communication skills; both speech and writing.
  • Flexible schedule
  • Good organization skills
  • Good memory
  • CreativityComputer literacy
  • Web production skills
  • Interpersonal relations
  • Work independently or in a team
  • Self-motivated

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