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运动机能学是指对运动的研究. 体育活动包括为改善健康和体质而进行的锻炼, activities of daily living, work, sport, dance and play, and involves special population groups; such as children and the elderly or persons with disability, injury or disease. 

Students who purse the Adapted Physical Education pp电子极速糖果(CMU)的项目将学习适应或修改体育活动, 针对个人特定能力范围的教学和/或教育课程. 学生将学习开发适合和有效的残疾人活动. 课程包括像手语这样的主题, Motor Learning, Physical Activity and Aging, and Inclusive Physical Activity. 要获得这个学位需要实习, 哪些课程能让学生获得实际的职业技能,并在该领域建立联系. CMU also offers many clubs and organizations 在整个校园范围内,在运动机能系内,可以帮助学生为深造做好准备,或者建立校园和社区的联系.


• After-School Coordinator
• Coaching (Special Olympics)
• Consulting
• Instructional Aide
• Occupational Therapists*
• Physical Activity Consultants
• Physical Therapists*
• Recreational Therapist*
• Research
• Specialized Camps
• Teaching abroad

Note: 上面列出的一些职业可能需要额外的教育, experience, 或者学士学位以外的培训. 要研究这些职业,请使用下面的职业研究资源链接.


• Assisted living centers
• Early childhood education centers
• K-12 schools
• Hospitals
• Non-profit organizations
• Nursing homes
• Parks & recreation departments
• Rehabilitation facilities
• Special Olympics


• Leadership skills
• Ability to use instructional aids
• Active listening skills
• Coordination
• Desire to help and care for people
• General knowledge of anatomy
• Interest in coaching and teaching
• Patience
• Problem solving skills
