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工作室艺术检查两个和/或三维艺术设计概念和元素. 艺术工作室的学生将发展技能, 灵敏度, 和审美判断,同时追求个人兴趣的工作室领域,如绘画, 绘画, 版画, 纤维, ceramics or sculpture. 视觉艺术的背景可以为工作室艺术领域提供各种机会, art organizations, and applied design.

艺术学士学位,主修 工作室艺术 pp电子极速糖果的设计课程要求很高, 画, 工作室(二维或三维), and art history. CMU provides numerous 实习和展览的机会和资源,以及…… student clubs 以及国内和国际旅行的机会. 工作室艺术项目在大学中心美术馆的高级展览中达到高潮. 毕业后,学生们可以选择成为一名工匠或继续学习艺术专业.


• Airbrush Artist
• Architectural Renderer
• Art Graphic Assistant
• Art Historian
• Art Therapist
• Art Teacher
• Audio Visual Artist/Designer
• Book Illustrator/Designer
• Calligrapher
• Caricaturist
• Cartoonist
• Ceramic Artist
• Cinematographer
• Costume and Mask Designer
• Courtroom Sketcher
• Curator or Assistant
• Editorial Illustrator
• Fabric Designer
• Fashion Artist/Designer
• Furniture Designer
• Gallery Owner
• Glass Blower
• Graphic Arts Technician
• Graphic Artist
• Illustrator
• Landscape Designer
• Layout Artist
• Magazine Designer/Illustrator
• Mechanical & Production Artist
• Medical Illustrator
• Municipal Graphic Designer
• Mural Artist
• Museum Artist
• Printing Designer
• Product Designer/Illustrator
• Set Designer/Illustrator
• Silhouette Artist
• Stained Glass Artist
• Still Photographer
• Textile Designer
• Topographer
• Toy Designer
• Trademark Designer
• Typographical Artist

注意: 上面列出的一些职业可能需要额外的教育, 经验, 或者学士学位以外的培训. 要研究这些职业,请使用下面的职业研究资源链接.

  • 创作原创艺术作品用于展示或商业用途
  • 蚀刻,雕刻,油漆和/或在材料上绘制艺术品,如石头,玻璃,帆布和木材.
  • 开发用于出版物、研究、学术研究的主题图纸、图表和模型。
    entertainment and/or teaching.
  • 与客户沟通,根据客户的要求开发项目.
  • Study diverse styles, 技术, 颜色, 纹理和材料使用的其他艺术家复制或

• Advertising agencies
• Art 工作室
•拍卖行、图片社 & 工作室
• Department/retail stores
• Government & private museums/galleries
•医院、疗养院、康复中心 & guidance facilities
• Interior design departments
• Local historical societies
• Media and publishing houses
• Magazines/newspapers & trade publications
• Public/private art schools
• Private/local arts councils


  • 基本的阅读、写作和编辑能力
  • Creative and Imaginative
  • 有效的口头、书面和技术沟通能力
  • Fine motor skills
  • 灵活的 
  • Self-motivating
  • Work independently or in teams

Other 工作室艺术 resources