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Through observation and research, 心理学专业主要研究心理和包括心理在内的人类行为, 生理, and 社会 processes. 他们运用这些知识来帮助理解, 防止, 解决个人和社会问题. 他们形成理论,试图通过关注一个人的行为动机来解释为什么人们会有这样的行为方式.

pp电子极速糖果(Colorado Mesa University)的心理学课程为学生提供两种专业选择, Psychology and Counseling Psychology. 心理学专业为学生在各种各样的环境中工作做好准备, 包括人类服务(咨询和社会工作), 公共事务, 业务, 销售, 刑事司法(感化主任或惩教主任), the hospitality industry, teaching and research. 咨询心理学专业旨在帮助本科生在咨询和人类服务领域工作,或者继续在咨询等领域进行研究生学习, 社会工作, and clinical psychology. 咨询项目的顶点是实习课程,学生在校外的各种治疗中心工作, in therapy settings, 或者在当地的机构,通过咨询和其他人类服务技能来获得经验,并与其他专业人士建立联系.

学生可以扩大他们对心理学的理解,并参加会议, community service projects, 加入一个或几个校园里的心理学俱乐部. 校园俱乐部和组织也提供了与教师密切合作的机会, 其他学生, 以及来自不同领域的专业人士.


• Child Protection Worker
• Child Psychologist
• College Student Affairs
• Community and Social Service Worker
• Community Relations Director
• Corrections Officer
• Correctional Caseworker
• Crisis Intervention Counselor
• Developmental Psychologist
• Director of Volunteer Services
• 就业 Agency Counselor
• Family/Marriage Counselor
• Forensic Psychologist
• Group Home Coordinator
• Hospice Coordinator
• International Student Advisor
• Market Research Analyst
• Marketing/Sales Manager
• Mental Health Coordinator
• Personnel Administrator
• Professional 就业 Recruiter
• Program Developer/Manager
• Public Opinion Surveyor
• Rehabilitation Counselor
• Residential Youth Counselor
• Social Psychologist
• Social Service Professional 工作人员
• Substance Abuse Counselor
• Technical Writer/Communicator
• Television/Media Research
• Training and Development Professional
• Youth Corrections Officer

注意: 上面列出的一些职业可能需要额外的教育, 经验, or training beyond a Bachelor’s Degree. 要研究这些职业,请使用下面的职业研究资源链接.

• Counsel individuals, 组, 或家庭在一系列问题上帮助他们理解和克服个人, 社会, 或者行为问题,帮助他们实现教育/职业目标,改善企业的组织动力
• Research through observation, 实验, 使用心理工具, 面试, 调查, 以及临床研究来发现行为模式
•评估, 诊断, or treat mental/emotional disorders, behavioral problems, or learning disabilities
保持准确和详细的记录,并根据学校的需要准备客户报告, 企业, 或医院
•Assisted Living Centers
• Business and Industry
• Colleges/Universities
• Community Organizations
• Correctional Facilities
• Counseling Centers
• Crisis Counseling Agencies
• Mental Health Agencies
• Recreation Facilities
• Rehabilitation Agencies
• Social Service Organizations
• State/Federal Government

Skills Needed by Psychology majors:

• Ability to make decisions
• Critical thinking skills
• Interpersonal communication skills
• Knowledge of community resources
• Knowledge of human development
• Listening and interviewing skills
• Problem solving skills
• Understanding of group interactions

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